Monday 10 February 2014

Saturday 8th February, 2014

26 dailies + 7 weeklies.
Weeklies remaining : 42

So I went out for lunch today for my Nan's birthday, and decided to google the menu to see what I could have.
As a rule, I probably wouldn't have been quite as careful if I hadn't been ill, but since I was ill I wanted to have something light and gentle on my stomach and also not to go mad on pp's as I am trying to keep off the lbs that I lost from being ill as much as possible. Figure I may as well use the opportunity as a kick start to get me going again on losing!

So, luckily, this particular venue had all of their nutritional info online, and I was able to point several options to figure out what I would order.

And OH. MY. GOD. Was I lucky that I could point it! Some of these were really quite scary!

It is quite interesting to see just how easily you could overeat your points on just this one meal which would throw off your entire week!

You could do your best to point, but as we are human we are also likely to be very generous and point in our favour.

If I hasn't have been pointing and had had 3 courses, for example, I would have probably chosen :

Breaded Mushrooms (served with Heinz Flaming Cajun Mayo)
Fish Finger + Tartare Sauce Sandwich (white bread), with a side of chips.
Cookie Dough Cheesecake, served with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.

So now to the ProPoints...

Breaded Mushrooms ... 17
Fish finger Sandwich on white ... 26
Side of chips ... 9
Ketchup Sachets (x3) ... 2
Cookie Dough Cheesecake ... 23

TOTAL ... 77pp

I know some people would be comfortable with spending that amount of points on a meal out, but I, for one, would never. I just couldn't knowingly set myself up like that.

I also pointed a couple options I knew would be high points, just out of interest.

There were a couple that shocked me a little.

I had a glance at the menu and thought that one of the highest pointed options would be :

This veritable meat feast, ladies and gents, would cost you 66pp.

That, to me, is just madness. To me that is almost 3 DAYS of food. 


But then I found this beauty :

I actually would have thought this would be around the same points as the porky grill. There looks a LOT less food on this plate than there sounds from the description on the porky grill...


this lovely rack of ribs would cost a staggering 94pp!

That's almost 4 days worth. 
That's almost 2 lots of weeklies.

That's ... CRAZY.

And having told the members of my family the points (and approximate calories - 3800ish) of this monster meal, FOUR of them proceeded to order it.

Seriously. Families eh! 

Here's my Grandad about to tuck into his :) and my Nan - the birthday girl :) <3

And here is my modest salad :)

No one else had starters or puds as everyone went back to my Nan's house for some of my Grandads Black Forest Gateau <3

We got the sprog home as he was tired and grumpy, and while he and hubby had a bowl of ice cream, I had myself a banana split - I slit a banana lengthways and tucked a curly wurly in, then melted it in the oven, and then added a good squirt of squirty cream :) yum and all for 4pp! Can't be better than that eh!

Who needs cookie dough cheesecake ......?

I LAUGH in the face of cheesecake.



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